Sunday, April 28, 2024

17 Easy and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Gnats, Indoors and Out

how to get rid of gnats in the house quickly

Note that commercially-available sprays designed for houseplants are less likely to damage the plants than homemade sprays, even with mild dish soap. First, we’ll show you how to identify the type of gnats you’re dealing with. Then we’ll provide some strategies for exterminating them and preventing them from returning.

Greenkeeper Sticky Traps

You may have noticed some floating around your fruit bowl or your favorite houseplant and wondered how they got there in the first place. If you find gnat eggs or larvae on clothing, do not throw the item away. Instead, lay the clothing out as best you can outside and sprinkle it with salt to kill the maggots. Once you wipe off the residue, put the clothing in a washing machine at a high temperature to kill any remaining bugs or bacteria before drying thoroughly. 'Gnats are attracted to moist and dirty areas, so keeping your home cleanand dry is important,' reminds Rick Sun, pest control expert at Green Leaf Air. Gnats enter your home from the outdoors and can find their way through pretty much any crack.

The Clorox Company Try a diluted bleach solution for drain flies.

Take steps to prevent an infestation, and act quickly if the invaders set up shop in your home and garden. Gnats are highly unlikely to go away without intervention, says Morgan, which is why it’s important to know how to get rid of gnats. They are most active during dawn and dusk and are often found near bodies of water, such as ponds, lakes or marshy areas. Their bites can be irritating and cause itching, redness and minor swelling. Using insect repellent and wearing protective clothing can help. They may attempt to fly into the flame or simply fall into the soapy water and die.

how to get rid of gnats in the house quickly

Reduce watering of indoor plants

With warm weather comes a noticeable increase in gnat activity, both inside and outside the home. Fortunately, learning how to get rid of gnats is a simple task that requires just a few supplies. Use this guide to learn how to get rid of gnats in your house, in your garden and in your house plants. For a quicker, albeit more dangerous, method for killing all sorts of gnats, set up a candle trap in the evening.

Home remedies for getting rid of gnats can be used for both indoor and outdoor infestations, as well as alongside other gnat treatment options. Fruits, vegetables and flowers growing in your garden can also appeal to gnats. Harvesting produce regularly and clearing away overripe produce and organic waste can help keep the natural gnat population low. This promotes the growth of fungus that serves as the primary food source of certain gnat species.

DIY a Vinegar Trap.

This is one of biggest the hotspots for gnats, so pay extra attention to your kitchen sink and drain. Clean it (along with a garbage disposal if you have one) on a consistent basis, keep the area as dry as possible, and use a drain stopper overnight. Although they’re tiny, gnats can cause a great deal of annoyance inside your home.

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies: 5 DIY Traps

This will usually involve using a spray bottle to drench the soil around the plant roots in your potted plants with a diluted BTI solution. For longer-term success, invest in one of the best bug zappers on the market. Gnats and many of their lookalikes are attracted to rotting organic materials. Whether it's damp potting soil and plant matter, scummy residue in drain pipes, or rotting food in a compost bin, these sources must be addressed if you want to get a handle on the issue. If DIY methods fail or if you want to skip right to a guaranteed solution call a professional pest control provider to get rid of gnats. We’ve researched the top pest control companies in the industry and found that Terminix and Orkin provide the best service to homeowners across the country.

They can also treat the soil in your potted plants and make other recommendations for avoiding recurring infestations. Start by covering or partially drying out compost bins and reducing the watering schedule for your indoor plants, as gnats often take up residence in overwatered soil. For an immediate resolution, set up homemade gnat traps or contact a local pest control company to thin out the adult population in your home. Chances are you have a bottle of apple cider vinegar and some sugar sitting in your kitchen or pantry, and these two ingredients can help you get rid of gnats. Place a bowl near the infestation and fill it with vinegar before adding a teaspoon of plain sugar, which is what the gnats will be drawn to.

Drain Flies vs. Fruit Flies: Which Tiny Winged Pest Is Invading Your Home?

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies—and Keep Them From Coming Back - Martha Stewart

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies—and Keep Them From Coming Back.

Posted: Thu, 12 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Once you have treated your gnat infestation, the key to keeping it from coming back is to clean thoroughly and reduce available sources of food and moisture for the gnats. To kill drain flies and their eggs nesting in pipes, mix 1/2 cup of bleach in a gallon of water and pour it slowly down the drain. Make sure there’s proper ventilation in the room when you do this and for an hour afterward.

In North America, gnats are most commonly black flies, midges, fungus gnats or fruit flies. For gnat problems on and around your houseplants, consider using diatomaceous earth. Sprinkle the fine powder in a thin layer on the soil; it will work to kill gnat larvae.

Ahead, she shares her expertise on the subject, breaking down what exactly the bugs are, where to find them, how to prevent an outbreak, and, of course, how to get rid of gnats altogether. The gnats will be attracted to the sweet smell of the honey, but once coated in it, they won't be able to fly away. You might need to call in an expert to positively ID these pests. Gnats thrive on the fungus of your plants, so it helps to let your plant babies dry out between waterings.

Place the lit candle in a dish of soapy water to attract the gnats and turn out the overhead light. Although this method works best at night, never leave a burning candle unattended, especially while you sleep. The wet soil of indoor pots can create a breeding ground for gnats. So, take it easy on watering them or look into low-maintenance plants that require small amounts of water to thrive.

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